Langi Ghiran Grevillea recovery program
Langi Ghiran Grevillea (Grevillea montis-cole subsp. brevistyla). Photo credit: Neville Walsh, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.
The Langi Ghiran Grevillea (Grevillea montis-cole subspecies brevistyla) is a threatened shrub known only to Langi Ghiran State Park in the Victorian Pyrenees. Anecdotal records suggest that the Langi Ghiran Grevillea is at extreme risk of extinction. However, to date, no on ground works have been conducted to increase or stabilise the population.
Only 500 adult plants and 400 seedlings remain in the wild. This beautiful Grevillea is highly threatened by recreational activity, inappropriate fire regimes, herbivores, disease and climate change.
Project Strategy
Volunteers from the Threatened Species Conservancy will undertake surveys to locate previously unrecorded populations. The Threatened Species Conservancy will also set up long term monitoring plots to track the survival of these populations to obtain vital ecological data for use in recovery planning.
Seed from the Langi Ghiran Grevillea will be collected and placed in long term storage at the Victorian Conservation Seedbank. This will protect the species from extinction in case the wild population declines further. It will also provide a plentiful source of seed to support the establishment of new populations (translocation) in other locations at Mt Langi Ghiran. A Translocation Plan will be developed in consultation with key stakeholders to plan and coordinate future translocations.
White Gums Consultancy
Neil Marriott is a botanist and ecologist who has written extensively especially on the subject Grevillea.
Conservation Status: Vulnerable (EPBC)
Estimated Cost of Project: $80,000
Funding Received: $0
Duration: 2 years