Crucial conservation steps For our most threatened butterfly community
Golden Sun Moth (female). @0ystercatcher CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Butterfly Community No. 1 is a unique ecological community comprising of a large number of threatened butterfly species, species including the Large Ant-blue (Acrodipsas brisbanensis cyrilus) and the Small Ant-blue (Acrodipsas myrmecophilia) butterflies which are listed under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1989. The Mt Piper Nature Conservation Reserve is the only known location of this community in Australia. Consequently, this reserve is of very high ecological significance. The reserve also supports the Golden Sun Moth (Synemon plana) which is listed under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999.
Project Strategy
The Threatened Species Conservancy is working with community groups and entomologists in the Nicholls Electorate on a citizen science project that is helping to develop and implement a monitoring protocol for the threatened Butterfly Community No. 1 at Mt Piper. We teach volunteers, interns and local community members how to identify the butterflies, their host ant species and undertake annual monitoring for these species. Data collected will inform a threatened butterfly community recovery strategy. We hold education events and supply resources to raise awareness of the ecology and conservation of these highly threatened species. We are also implementing on-ground conservation actions to ensure key habitat is protected and restored in collaboration with our partnering organisations.
South West Goulburn Landcare
Friends of Mt Piper
Beam Mitchell Environmental Group
Parks Victoria
Conservation Status
Large Ant-blue (Acrodipsas brisbanensis cyrilus), Endangered (FFG)
Small Ant-blue (Acrodipsas myrmecophilia), Critically Endangered (FFG)
Golden Sun Moth (Synemon plana), Critically Endangered (EPBC)