We’re in the midst of an extinction crisis
Australia is facing an extinction crisis of unprecedented magnitude, with over 1,890 species listed as threatened under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) and many more unlisted. The majority of Australia’s threatened plants and animals occur nowhere else in the world. Their extinction is a global tragedy.
Climate change, habitat loss, disease, weeds and feral animals are driving many plants and animals to the brink of extinction. Over the past 20 years, 85% of terrestrial threatened species habitat in Australia has been lost. Add to this, the devastating impact of the 2019 Victorian bushfires and the future looks bleak. These losses are catastrophic, yet this situation will only worsen as Australia heads further into climate breakdown.
The Threatened Species Conservancy is an independent not-for-profit organisation helping Australia’s threatened plants and animals to thrive.